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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

About Incas, expeditions and how in life one should remember death.

Запись эфира авторской программы "Персона" Анатолия Константиновича Омельчука на телеканале Россия24 Регион-Тюмень.


Ещё в блоге:

Comparative evaluation of quality of hematopoietic stem cells of umbilical cord blood at various methods of cryopreservation
Comparative evaluation of quality of hematopoietic stem cells of umbilical cord blood at various methods of cryopreservation

Studied the proliferative potential and viability of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) cord blood (PB), depending on the method of cryopreservation. Cryopreservation of samples was carried out in software Planer freezer and liquid nitrogen vapor. Found that, for cryopreservation of samples GSK PC software should be used freezer, since this method of preservation of the cells remain vi- able and functional completeness.

Conceptual recovery of public health service
Conceptual recovery of public health service

The article makes it clear that the problems of public health service are strategic in nature. That is why only tactical strategic decisions on its development can significantly influence such basic indicators as the sickness rate, the life-span and the ability to work of the population. The conceptual nature of public health service, substantiating the necessity of its conceptual restructuring, is revealed. The scenario of public health service innovative upgrade based on the conceptual technologies, taking into account of the system approach and the cultural context in their inseparability is suggested.

Keywords: Public health care, conceptual restructuring, innovative scenario, system approach, the cultural context

Механизм кожного зуда
Механизм кожного зуда

Поскольку чувство зуда является полностью субъективным ощущением, задачей дерматолога становится не только как можно более точное изучение жалоб больного, но и понимание объективных механизмов зуда... об этом и поговорим

Forgive or Punish
Forgive or Punish

A good leader must combine several important qualities at once and perform many functions: competently manage the budget, be a mentor for subordinates and a friend to his clients, create a working atmosphere, set an example, solve problems, set tasks ... Simply put, to be the center of your business .

But there is one more duty that among others is usually not called: if the boss defaults, encourages and directs, he must also punish, and sometimes - severely. Of course, this is very few people enjoy, but it is - as an integral part of the leadership process, like the others.

About what misdemeanors of subordinates deserve indulgence, and which ones can not be forgiven in any case, and also what will be the most serious punishment for a doctor working in a medical institution, we talked with the "Aesthetic Guide".