Application of this method allows to make a quantitative and functional characteristic of all the skin constituent elements for use in diagnosis.
Application of this method allows to make a quantitative and functional characteristic of all the skin constituent elements for use in diagnosis.
International Festival in Travel and Tourism named after N.N. Miklouho-Maclay "Russian traveler" was held in Orel.
My lecture "Diagnosis: The Traveler", planned in three parts, one for each day of the festival, was received with interest by world-famous travelers. But, as they say, tell God about your plans and he will laugh - and it happened. The third part, in my opinion the most important, because of the time-bound regulation was not brought to the listeners. However, in this there was a plus, as this is the best reason to continue the relationship outside the festival and breaking the boundaries, regardless of the distance to complete the scheduled. Let's do it, my friends!
Little children, do not go to Africa for a walk – or something about the social role of evil spirits and voodoo people.