In 2014, he participated in the creation of an atlas of skin diseases.
История дерматологии помнит массу попыток преобразовать кожу человека – плотную ткань в жидкость. Поиск способа разделения клеточного субстрата кожи для получения суспензии и изучения фенотипа клеток, входящих в ее состав, стал основой многолетнего исследования, результатом которого явился патентованный способ цифровой оценки субпопуляционного состава клеток кожи – цитоиммунограмма кожи... читать статью целиком
Recently I have been asked this question.
This has made me ponder. As you know only dead people do not perspire… If this question has been asked, if it concerns somebody including me and if my feelings give rise to new thoughts then he is rather alive. From the perspective of the doctor stating the facts of the patients being discontent of the quality of the medical care provided he may be dead!
But as the woman cannot be just a little bit pregnant then a person cannot be half or partly alive or dead. Besides ...
I realized very early on the need to move from treating one patient to treating many by creating a methodology. Remembering the French singer Edith Piaf, who said: "I don't sing for everyone - I sing for everyone" (and she sang for everyone), I also remember well the inspiration when I first thought of... phenotypic dermatology